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Review ID:   206
Reviewed:   Kelsey's Restaurant
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(Review ID: 206)
Try the fish n chips... they are fantastic!, Sep 7, 2008
Reviewer: Canada Food Critic from Orleans
Canada Food Critic saw things this way
Value For Money  
Food Quality  

Pros: The fish and chips!
Cons: There are not really any con's

Kelsey's Restaurant is a chain establishment which is a set up as a bar and grill. I have eaten here several times and I have not been disappointed yet. The food is always great.

On this occasion I visited around 7 pm with some friends. As always we were promptly seated and drink orders taken, we all took just water and it was immediately brought over. In general the service is typically fast here and very good though not outstanding.

I ordered the fish and chips. I think the price was around $13-$14 for a 2 piece order which is on the high side. I am from the east coast and down there a 2 piece would not run more than about $10. However, the resulting order was quite large and very filling so I would say the value for money is very good. One thing I really enjoy is when a restaurant takes something very standard and puts a unique twist on it. Kelsey’s has done just that. Their batter on the fish is perhaps one of the best there is. I absolutely love this fish batter. Taking things a step further, they also have a fantastic coleslaw. It’s a vinegar style but has a touch of sugar it kill the bitterness. Again an excellent slaw and one of my favourites. There is not much to say about the fries. They are crisp, hot, and tasty just like fries where meant to be.

The atmosphere here is typical of a chain bar and grill. Nothing fancy but gets the job done. I find the lay out is a bit cramped and give a slight claustrophobic feel but many would just call it cozy.

Over all Kelsey’s is a great place to get a great mean. Give them a try.
