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Review ID:   74
Reviewed:   Burger Baron
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(Review ID: 74)
Great food, always hot and fresh! old building looks way too run down and not very clean, Mar 31, 2008
Reviewer: littleangel from kelowna BC Canada
littleangel saw things this way
Value For Money  
Food Quality  

Pros: They have the best burgers and fries
Cons: old and dirty looking building

I really like there burgers and there fries they are always hot and fresh! And they have the 3 burgers for $3.33 There milkshakes I think are too pricey for the average person.. Food is excellent.. Poor location to get into and out of the drive thru. Old looking building maybe just needs a paint job or some clean up but over all it is still the same burgers I enjoyed when I was a kid.. My kids love there burgers aswell.